Quick Football quizzes

A selection of football related quizzes to kill 5 minutes or to play with your friends & colleagues.

Can't find what you're looking for? Try Google search.

Name the teams: Simply name all the teams currently playing in a given league. Can you remember them all without cheating?:

English Premier League  | English Championship | English League One | English League Two | English National League | English Champions League Qualifiers | Ever present in the Premier League



Name the winners: Simply name all the teams that have ever won a given competition (not by year, just list the clubs that have ever won a particular trophy):

The FA Cup | Premier League | League Cup | English Top Flight (Old Div One and PL) | Champions League / European Cup | Europa League / UEFA Cup | European Cup Winners Cup | ENGLISH winners of the Champions League / European Cup | ENGLISH winners of the UEFA Cup / Europa League / Fairs Cup | ENGLISH winners of the European Cup Winners Cup |